Monday, February 8, 2010


There is a huge lack of friends in my life. I'm not blaming anyone or everyone for this problem...I blame only myself. I blame myself for keeping my mouth closed and not interacting with people like normal folks would do. I tend to listen...I tend to try and feel things out, rather than just saying 'fuck it, I'm going to be me to be me.' This is a problem, a problem of which I need to change and need to perfect(to the best of my ability at least). As a result to having this lack of friends I am here to talk. Here to feel out my life and re-think things and see who I really am. Ya know, things you'd usually share or vent about with a friend over a beer or a random phone call, those kinda things. I'm not saying I have absolutely no friends, because I do...but the depths of those friendship are just not there. There is one friend of mine that I feel that with...but our current standing with each other is not the greatest...maybe someday...but for now I have you Bloggy Blog... Thanks for bein there for me.

Its funny when you think that you are workin on parts of your life, you actually feel like it is getting better...but everyones view of progression is set at their own speed... Its crazy weird. Welcome to random thoughts of DJs brain. You know what else I am thinking?! Why the hell are my toes so cold is such a warm room? Why do people love? Why do mice love peanut butter? humm....everyday thoughts I guess. I wish I could just talk to my friends. Wish they could give me like just five minutes too listen to me. Reach out. care. There are so many things I could humm...I dont think I want to share anymore. So for now I think that this is it. Thanks blog...

(Currently listening to Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band)

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