Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just goof'n around

Lovin today...its a good one. Now just kickin it at home soaking it all in...breathing...and most importantly...smilin. Love it. There are so many changes going on in my families life...its pretty sad and rad at the same time. My sisters are havin bebes and loven other sister is coming home from a year and a half stay from the Philippines. She was a representative for the Latter-day Saints church. She's going to sound so awesome with her accent she picked up there. Also my only blood brother is moving away to Florida...sadness. I am going to miss him much...just gotta get my butt up to Salt Lake and spend a couple of days with him before he peaces out on us. Love ya bro. The only thing to do now is to wait till I move onto another job. Desperately looking around for anything that will pay me an assistant to a managers pay...want it? or need it? BOTH!! 'Gotta have it!' Just like the Cold Stone size... that made me giggle a bit...there are a lot of people that I love and a lot more that I would love to love more! ha! I went skating with my roomies today...we first went over to UVU and quickly got we went over to the skate park where I made a big fool of myself, seeing that I haven't gone skating for over eight years...I could barely jump let alone skate around... so I just ended up sitting around watching everyone until the time came to peace out. It was fun though...not to bad for killing a couple hours. That be all for now... peace and love people.

(Currently listening to Everyday by Dave Matthews Band)

1 comment:

Mel said...

I'm gonna miss him too Deej.