Wednesday, December 21, 2011

At times, Puzzle pieces do fall in place

As the year comes to a close I cant help but look back and see what the highlights were that happen throughout 2011. It was a truly a growing year for me, I was able to redirect my life, build more of a solid foundation and all the while growing and establishing new friendships. There have been a few very crucial individuals that have emotionally struck me deep and have accepted me in and we've had nothing but love and good times ever since. A huge part of my growth has come from mirroring what I've learned over time off of them, and it has done nothing but help me grow, and establish the man I am as well as becoming. I am very much pleased with the way this year has turned out, exiting this year I see good time as well as bad time, and situations that could have been better, but all-in-all 2011's cup was definitely half full.

I loved and appreciated every minute of every month that I had. I feel the most influential soundtrack to this year was my new love for the band, The National. I have a huge appreciation for many musicians and groups and those haven't diminished in the slightest, but I would say my soul was definitely lifted by lead vocalist, Matt Berninger and the music created by The National. When you first listen to a song it's as if you were seated your whole life in a stuffed up room and for the first time you leave, you exit with much angst and the second you throw open that door you're engulfed with fresh, crisp air that swirls around you, heals your soul, lifts your spirit and takes your level of consciousness to a whole other high yet to have experience. If you've never listened to a song, listen to the song below, put some good sounding headphones on, turn it up and let the music move you.

The National took me by surprise, truth be told. I would have never anticipated that they would have effected me in the way they have this year. I very am excited to see them live for the first time, and have a sing-a-long to their songs with a crowd over thirty-thousand. All in good time. Musicians and music fit in the appropriate times in our lives that help and boost us to a new level of subconsciousness. The National and my new friendships in 2011 were what was needed for me and my growth. I am back in control of my life in every aspect, 2012 is going to be epic, that'll be the year that I break into a full-stride sprint and accomplish the most for my life to come. I can see it as well as smell it, and I am excited! Peace and love!

(Currently listening to Fake Empire by The National, go figure)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monotony, the silent killer.

"I've made alot of mistakes, I've made alot of mistakes" -Sufjan Stevens A true statement for every one of us, but if we choose to dwell and live within this statement that is where we will find ourselves slipping into depression, and unwanted thought patterns and misunderstanding ones life in general. I know its easier said than done, but if we make those mistakes our strengths then all thats left is growth. Much like how ones muscle is after stretching and working out. If we choose to not continue with working out we will be stuck in a sore unwanted state of our body. We need to tear those muscles and let them grow and rebuild and do it over and over until we find growth from our weakness' and then by looking back seeing the pain and suffering we actually see the path our our growth. This is something that I have come to realized slowly over time, sadly over years of stagnate living and waiting for the world to give me the time of day.

If we are wanting to be noticed, if we are wanting something more than what we have right at this moment, we need to put forth the energy and express gratitude and love to those around us, and ironically we receive it back. If you want someone to express interest in you, don't sit on your hands hoping, do something about it. Smile, compliment, love, by doing these things we are moving about and putting the energy out to the world and one day if it be instantly or later you will receive that energy back. "The energy that we have have is just borrowed from the earth, and one day we give it back" -Avatar reference.

I have recently seen a lagging and monotonous living in my life over the past month. Possible from my recent breakup? I see that as a possibility, but I am needing a much needed lift and have been working on that. I start with a smile, smiles are contagious and if we show our love to others and the world we get it back, and we will grow and feel at ease. Rid yourself of hate, sometimes logic just needs to be tossed aside...move outta your stagnate life, try something new. Break out of monotony! If we dont try anything new, we will forever be living in our parents basement. Peace and love. keep well

(Currently listening to I Don't Feel it Anymore by William Fitzsimmons)