Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Re potted

When a gardener takes care of his crop, he does so in a loving manner. The crops grow. They produce their fruits and they are good. But then there are just the stems left over. Just the roots that nourished the produce. What does that have after its given its love and nourishment? nothing. Nothing happens. All that tender love and care that was given to that plant for so long is forgotten and the plant is ripped up and out of the ground as if it were never there in the first place. The ground is then torn up and mixed around destroying the left over roots killing the possibility of that plant ever growing again. Are we sometimes these stems of these plants? Do we nourish the fruits? Sometimes I feel we are. Sometimes I feel that it is necessary to be torn up and necessary to be taken out of context and placement. We need to be torn to grow. We need to be replaced to grow. We need new soil to grow. A plant can only grow so much when it is potted. But you get that same plant in a bigger will see new joys. You will see new leaves sprout out and the plant will grow. We will grow. We will see that there are no limitations to the extent of our growth. Does it hurt to be re potted?! sure does. But there is only one way to grow more muscle and learn. And that is by tearing old muscles to strengthen the new ones. Goodness is home.

(Currently listening to You Shook Me by Led Zepplin)

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