Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Tell me how you really feel"

If I were to have to describe with detail what Hell would be like, I know for a fact that it would include a 4X5 office cube with a printer behind and office supply...oh yeah and people yelling at you telling you want to do or not to do and go here and go there...ugh... Hell would be a lot like my job. I got jipped into my job. I actually feel a lot like my dog Daisy when someone waves a treat in front of her nose and then walk everywhere making her follow and she believing that she is going to get that treat. In other words I came into my current job believing I was going to get a lot of 'better' benefits, but I only found open-ended promises... my job sucks. I commute for nothing really. I want to quit everyday...and it’s just flat boring. I thought this would be great because I thought, I THOUGHT, that I wanted to go into marketing...I can tell you with confidence that is a big fat NO!! I'm sure I'd enjoy it a lot more if it weren't in the Hospitality industry, but it is and it sucks bad. So there is only to look ahead. Look ahead towards Seattle!! Yes! Working for my bro and living in Seattle. It'll be awesome! I'm really excited for that work and to start getting involved in his company. I was supposed to be there four months ago, but it has been post-poned tell June-ish. But I am still stoked about it...plus I won’t be working for/with 'A' holes like I am now... SERENITY NOW!!

1 comment:

Dainon. said...

Be thankful for what you got, lil bro.

I'm sure you learned this message on your mish, but if you can learn to conquer unhappiness in an unpleasant situation, it will do well for you in the long run. You've heard "attitude determines altitude," right? Well, never were truer words spoken. Rock on.