Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Foggy Vision

So normally in my everyday life I could care less about politics and their standing points and who did what and yadda yadda yadda. But a week ago today was Super Tuesday, and all I heard about that day was, Vote for him! ... Vote for her!! McCain McCain McCain!! So after hearing this all day I get home to find that my sweet ol' mum has the radio blasting with radio talk shows and the TV following the like polls. I don’t ever get involved but later that night I decided to sit down with mudda and watch a few speeches.
Now I'm not claiming to know everything but I do know a little about some of the candidates that are running. Example, Obama and Clinton are not for the war. Now, I don’t know about you all, but I am an American. What we have is freedom. What we breathe is freedom, and what we speak is freedom. This doesn't just grow on trees. This is a right that we and our grand-fathers and Great grand-fathers have fought for, and what we have are too many self-centered spoiled children of Uncle Sam that don’t understand that if Obama or Clinton pull the troops out that there will be more problems. That if something happens, Obama doesn’t want war. I feel that they will curl up and suck their thumb in a corner or lock themselves in a closet in hopes that whatever the problem is that it'll go away. We are a Country, and we have to fight for our country. If we have a weak leader as our president, how are we supposed to feel protected when the time comes? I'm not a huge fan of war, but I'd go if my country asked me to. Why? For our Freedom and the Freedom of our children...that’s why. I strongly believe that a lot of the voters today are blinded and have a blurred vision as to who America is and what we stand for. They are too self-involved in their ideas that they forget who we really are. We are Americans and we fight for the right to party! - Beastie Boys - These are just my thoughts. There are always Pros and Cons with everybody...nobody is perfect. I am undecided as to who I'd vote for. I'm not for any paticular party, and or candidite. I think we should just get all new runners and start voting all over again, with nobody that is currently running! Just take them all out and put in all new people and see if its any better of a selection.

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