Saturday, December 5, 2009

Self titled

Be it said that love dominates all. People may say differently but I firmly believe that it does. Of course love doesn't solve all problems...we do need to work...we do need to act in life to get by...but we could do it with no help at all and it could be rough and unpleasant. This is where I mean that love dominates all. The reason being is that it makes things flow smoothly and makes unbearable things become bearable. Smile. You know that love does make that. If you don't agree, then I'm probably never really loved. You probably never felt love. Its not a lost cause for you though, you can still find it...even in old relationships. You can make that change. You can fill the air with warmth. We could all use some love. We all can feel it. Turn the sides of your mouth upward. You know you want too. So do it.

(Currently listening to Tell Me A Lie by The Fratellis)

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