Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Late night wiggles

Late night blogs. Sometimes they are the best. Sometimes they get the best of you. I guess you will be the judge on this one. How many people do you think actually look and read this blog without commenting? I would wonder that...I would wonder why we are where we are. I often wonder why it is that I am so crazy. What makes one crazy?! What makes us say that a certain person IS crazy?! I think crazy is anything that is outside of the social society circle. This is where there are problems with the world. We tend to send these "crazies" to places where we can forget them. I am crazy. You are crazy. Insanity is reality. Reality is life. Therefore life is insanity. I like being crazy. I like seeing the world through these eyes. These eyes are what get me through this world. These hands are what pay for the keys that lead my life, this insanity. If I could hold the keys to the world I would throw them to the ground and go swimming. I would bask in the sunlight in December. I would walk around barefoot through the snow. I would legally marry Alanis Morissette's voice, we'd make voice babies and live a great life. These are thoughts that have past through my mind within the last three minutes or so. It. Be who you are. Be crazy. Dont be a cookie cutter. Be original. Seek out wealth through your own mind. Peace

(Currently listening to Poison Pushy by Stanton Moore)

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